
Rishika Shah


Jan 29, 2022

Alia & Shaheen Bhatt’s cute moments

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Kisses & Cuddles 

Alia squishes her sister Shaheen with a kiss, which is just too cute to handle

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram

Alia simply cannot get enough of her older sister and this picture is proof

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram

Sisterly Love 

Alia and Shaheen are seen being goofy together as they click a mirror selfie

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram


Alia even blessed our feeds with this adorable childhood picture of her and Shaheen

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram

Childhood Memories

Alia makes sure to celebrate every holiday with her sister, especially Christmas

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram

Christmas Cheer

Alia and Shaheen look as fresh as a bunch of daisies as they pose for a selfie

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram

Picture Perfect

The two also make sure to take small girls trips every now and then together

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram

Travel Buddies

Alia and Shaheen are joined by their cat, Juniper as they take a selfie together

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram

Best Trio

Shaheen is also a part of Alia Bhatt’s girls squad and is often seen hanging out with them

Video: Alia Bhatt Instagram

Girls Squad

Alia and Shaheen are glowing and being goofy as the sunlight caresses their faces

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram


NEXT: Shirtless clicks of Siddhant Chaturvedi

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